Eligibility Requirements and Admission Procedures

Eligibility Requirements

As part of the application process and before an application will be considered, all applicants MUST agree to provide a contact telephone number & email address and location in which to have our Pre-Treatment Assessment & After-Care Counsellor contact them.

Eligibility to our program extends to individuals 18 years of age or more, and our facility is accessible to physically disabled/challenged persons with autonomy. Applicant must be of aboriginal status, as reflected by a Band, Treaty or Beneficiary Number, or otherwise recognized of aboriginal status by their community.  Priority will be given to completed files and our catchment area, Kanesatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne and Montreal.

Admission Procedures

Admission into treatment is based on an application, which must include the following documents:
• Application for Admission
• Provide copies of Status/Beneficiary and/or a letter from their respective community stating Proof of Status, Health Cards and/or temporary coverage.
• Medical Examination
• Authorization for Release of Personal Information
• Informed Consent and Participation Agreement
• Pre-Treatment Assessment (Mandatory telephone interview)
• Self-Referral will be accepted, however, the client must have an emergency contact person identified.

Applications coming from the legal or penal system, require the following additional information:
• Official legal summary of past/present sentences and charges pending.
• Confirmation to go on supervised outings, as per his/her/their legal conditions (medical needs)
• Available psycho-social information, including family and social background, current behaviour, etc.

The referral worker must send a completed Informed Consent and Participation Agreement with the other admission documents to the Intake Worker.

For Intake Decisions, files will be considered complete ONLY once a application & telephone interview are complete. All applications MUST be completed including all medical test results (2) TWO WEEKS before the assessment telephone interview.

Application Procedure:

Review of file by intake worker to ensure application is complete, contact referral for any missing or additional information.

1. Medical team review
2. Mental health worker review
3. Assessment counsellor for telephone assessment interview
4. Clinical team review for decision of acceptance and intake date
5. File is returned to intake worker to contact referral or client with decision

OHL Covid Protocols

1. Clients who apply to OHL must agree to undergo COVID-19 testing on the 5th & 10th day of their stay at OHL as well as if they develop symptoms of COVID-19.

2. Clients who develop COVID-19 while at OHL agree that they must either isolate in their room or may return home to isolate until they are cleared to return by public health.

3. Clients agree that they will inform OHL ASAP, should they develop symptoms of COVID-19 during their stay at OHL. They may be placed in preventative isolation until COVID-19 has been ruled out.

4. On Intake Monday, new individuals are asked to arrive according to their transportation schedules.
They must do a COVID-19 Rapid Test with a NEGATIVE result within 48 hours of arrival to OHL.

5. On arrival, a COVID-19 Rapid Test, Plus drug testing, screening, temporal temperature reading, and bag check will be done.

Client signature will be required, confirming that you have read and agree to our COVID-19 Safety Measures, Information & Requirements.

Mandatory Check List – Please ensure to provide the following information in your application for admission:

• Status/Beneficiary Card or letter from Band Membership – Proof of Status
• Health Care Card or temporary # with the expiration date.
• All test results
• Medication List
• Court Conditions, if applicable
• Travel Arrangements (Arrival)