Onen’tó:kon Healing Lodge
380 St. Michel
Kanehsatake Mohawk Territory
Quebec, Canada
J0N 1E0
Telephone: (450) 479-8353
Outreach: (514) 668-6399
Fax: (450) 479-1034
Email Onen’to:kon
Visit us on Facebook

House Rules and Requirements
At the Onen’tó:kon Healing Lodge, we strive to create a supportive and respectful environment that is conducive to healing. Throughout your treatment program we ask that you respect all house rules which are designed to:
1. Set boundaries that will promote safe and harmonious group life for everyone, and
2. To encourage individuals to develop self-discipline, a sense of responsibility and respect of oneself and of others.
OHL Administration has the authority to dismiss an individual. Behaviours that will result in dismissal are as follows:
• Using alcohol and/or other drugs during treatment;
• Purposely and consistently withdrawing oneself from any program activities in a major and significant way.
• Leaving the premises.
• Criminal offences (such as theft, threats, or physical violence);
• Any sexual activity or sexual harassment towards staff or clients.
Programs or Scheduled Activities
• Individuals must be punctual. We expect you to arrive on time for all programs and scheduled activities
• No telephone use is allowed during programming time.
• Sunglasses are not to be worn during program time.
Daily Chores
Fifteen (15) minutes of chores are carried out three (3) times a day, according to the schedule. Individuals are to keep themselves busy for the full fifteen (15) minutes.
Responsibility and Respectful Manners
• Individuals must be respectful at all times to other individuals and staff.
• Defacing, graffiti or vandalizing any of Onen’tó:kon’s property (furniture, books, etc.) is not acceptable behaviour. Individuals who deliberately break or destroy any property belonging to Onen’tó:kon Healing Lodge, must reimburse, repair or cover the replacement costs.
• Other individuals’ bedrooms are off limits.
Health and Safety
• Smoking is authorized on personal time only and restricted to the back outdoor porch. An exception is made during scheduled Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous (AA/NA) Meetings where smoking is permitted at the AA entrance.
• Fire Drills are mandatory, and everyone must evacuate the building.
• Unplug all electric hair styling tools when not in use. (Curling/straightening irons, hair dryers, etc.)
• To keep our staff and clients safe, we will have Mandatory Covid Safety Protocols in place.
Outside Communications
• Outgoing calls are made using the public telephones located in the hallway near the elevator and main entrance.
• Incoming calls will be answered by a member of our staff. All messages are passed on to individuals.
• An individual’s incoming personal mail must be opened in the presence of a staff member.
• Personal devices such as cellphones and tablets will be made available at a specifically scheduled time and place.
Visitation is on the 4th and 5th week of each intake cycle. Visits take place on Sundays from 1-4pm.
Onen’tó:kon Healing Lodge
380 St. Michel
Kanehsatake Mohawk Territory
Quebec, Canada
J0N 1E0
Telephone: (450) 479-8353
Outreach: (514) 668-6399
Fax: (450) 479-1034
Email Onen’to:kon
Visit us on Facebook